Reading, writing and daydreaming.  With a bit of cooking with whatever’s in the cupboard, making cakes with fruit and vegetables in them and gardening thrown in.  And walking the dog.  And appreciating nature, trees and birds and sunsets.  And seeing new places. And favourite old ones like London and Paris.  And talking to friends.  And going to the cinema occasionally to see what my mother called ‘nice films’.  And shopping for nice food, clothes and things for the house. But not too much of that these days.

Those are a few of my favourite things.  Oh and musicals.  And all kinds of singing.

And being on our narrow boat.  What better way to live the slow life than on a narrow boat.

Well I used to love daydreaming, but not so much now.  I’ve moved into relaxed action mode.  When you’ve spent many years living in your head, having whole conversations and lots of different experiences there, it’s refreshing to be out in the real world.

I want to make the most of that.

Except when I’ve left something until the last minute and have to move into top gear to get it done.  Then the adrenaline starts flowing.

Or when there’s an emergency.  Someone is ill and an ambulance needs calling.  I’ve done that.  Once it was for myself, but that’s another story.

Anyway, I’ve been living like a retired person recently – no 9-5, time spent in France taking it easy and drinking red wine, coffee mornings, pootling on the narrow boat etc.  It’s had it’s ups and downs as old people might say.

But the lessons you learn about yourself, others and life in general when you slow down and make time to just be.  Priceless.

What’s your idea of enjoying a slower life?